South Beach Shower Curtainin Germany South Beach Miami Weather This Weekend?

South Beach Miami weather this weekend? - south beach shower curtainin germany

My husband and I are on the South Beach from Friday to Monday (22-25 May). I saw only the time and look horrible! Storms DAILY! Should it rain all day, or is it just a passing shower and then the sun comes out, it was the weather there? I thought it would be a good time to go, because they are hot, but not too hot and I thought the weather would be in this time of year I expect all the storms of time dry am I here?


MorenaLi... said...

I do not know, I live in northern Florida and wants to go too. Aer also plans to be there on Friday and Monday. But we have Easter this "go normal" things, where we have a lot of rain and a little down time ... for all I know. On Friday it was intended to stir, and it was sunny all day, Saturday was supposed to, there was no rain and clouds in the sky was overcast on Sunday, but there was no sun, and always went to the beach ... . Now we have Noreaster weather.its really hard to say now. I do not know, that's just one thing or the North FORIDA Tho everywhere. I think, cuz everywhere I just checked Yahoo Weather

instants... said...

I'm in the same situation. I'm going to Orlando from Friday to Sunday and when I saw the forecast, I almost cried! Florida is for the passage of thunderstorms in the afternoon generally known. I think the prognosis is probably one million times by the time Friday rolls (change or at least I hope). I know that they have from now on this weekend and fight today and tomorrow. Not sure though about the rest.

steffy said...

I live in Miami and every day was hot during the day and evening ........ But the incessant rain in the night, I havent no rain during the day, not seen, but I am quite clear, the hope for this weekend. So far he has shown the prediction of rain.

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