Marture Friends Please Please Help. Answer Marture People!!?
Please please help. Answer marture people!!? - marture friends
In the 15 years old and live in New York and will move soon to live with a friend, and Georgia, so I certainly hope so. My parents took the time to think and decided that it is ok here, because I am totally unhappy. But the school here, said that friends will be from my mother, my guardian angel. Now let me clarify a little. In the living room with my boyfriend for three months, then my parents bought a house, but said only three months out of school for my mother to court and legal documents, from which more sighns Goalkeeper my friends and go mother. Of course, my parents will not do, and when she said he was very angry and still am, because this week was my last week, and I have notalso a true friend, and lived here for almost a year. Im so tierd of being alone and just really go home and that's the only thing that is stupid in the way of this school. Please, there are still I was able to an agreement with the school or some sort of agreement do we do? I've Delt with depprsession about a year and have done things I now regret, and I let my parents once even gave me some hope that I can go. I was so happy during the last few months and then this happens and the total horizontal bar. Help please!
She answers not, if there is anything I say I need help or instant message to young people. If you do not answer my questions, ask not worry. I'm tired of games. Only pleaseeee help me!
I think your mother think of you.
You said that you have no friends.
So try to be friendly to all.
Always wear your smile.
About the school, so it can not handle it.
You can even cope can not stop what was happening.
I mean, you can not stop a friend from the class or school.
Do not be so depressed.
I'm just like you.
I called "best friend" or a "friend"
I enjoy my life.
Do what you do than anyone could hurt.
So enjoy life.
Keep smiling honey! I answered the same question to you and wish you helped. In the question ... Joker.
I had to go to another school to school and told me the same thing, but I told them that I lived with my grandparents lived, and they told me they would take care of me but I lied and told my parents there, but I I always made sure sign that I could build my mother signed all the documents are also ensured that I would have never caused a problem in this way my parents did not go to school, but I pray that the way to to live wherever they want and like the person they once were.
Even if only for three months, you can not stand?
If your parents, to each custody of you, then they have no where to say what's in your interest to parents who are legally no more. It is also very expensive to do with lawyers and attorneys, and as you know, this is the worst possible time for the whole family because the finances are so tight.
You can do it. When the going gets tough, get a friend to use your support system.
Good luck!
In reality, the school is wrong.
Her mother did not go to court, but you must provide a letter that the mother of your friend's temporary guardian, write, and let him by a notary and the date of completion of care (what should be the same, while their parents to Georgia to move.
If the school still has problems with this you can fill an interim authority for the mother of a friend to act on his behalf in his name.
I know that the laws are different in different states, but one thing that has to do is your mother, your school to send their files to their new school shows its current level and that this in all the cliches.
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